Well, to answer my own question, I hacked the source code of DBMail and
had it set the client encoding to LATIN1 immediately after database
connect, this seems to have fixed the problem.
Sorry for the noise,
Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:
I'm using DBMail running against PostgreSQL as my mailstore for our
company network. I recently converted our company database from
SQL_ASCII to UTF8 as I thought this would be a *good thing*.
The problem now is that I think I'm loosing emails because in my
postgresql logs I get this:
2006-06-08 01:17:05 EDT LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
2006-06-08 01:17:05 EDT ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding
"UTF8": 0xe1202c
This is by far the most common, but I'm getting a few others too such
as, 0xae, 0x85, 0x92 and more...
The basic setup is that Postfix hands the email to a program called
dbmail-smtp which parses and insert the message into the database.
DBMail doesn't know anything about encoding. I tried setting the
enviornment variable PGCLIENTENCODING=SQL_ASCII in the Postfix startup
script, but that doesn't seem to be making any difference.
Any suggestions?
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