Greg, did you try to start the installer like postgresql814.msi /qb ..... ??? That is rather doomed to failure. You should try the msiexec <whatever parms> If you call msiexec without parms, it will give you a online help with all the parms. Thoes /q<whatever> are from Microsoft, not from Magnus :) best wishes, Harald -- GHUM Harald Massa persuadere et programmare Harald Armin Massa Reinsburgstraße 202b 70197 Stuttgart 0173/9409607 - on different matter: did you ever dream of visiting CERN? The place where the antimatter for exploding Vatican is created? To eat in cantinas with the worlds highest propability to stand in queue with future or past Nobel Prize Winners? To talk about Web 2.5 at the place where Web 0.1 up to Web 1.0 were developed? register at!