am 26.05.2006, um 9:09:25 -0700 mailte John Taylor folgendes: > I have a select statement that goes as follows: > > SELECT * FROM product prod, prod_alias pa, category cat, company co > WHERE prod.catid = cat.catid > AND prod.coid = co.coid > AND prod.prodid = pa.prodid; > > If possible, I want to change the statement so that I get output > regardless of whether there's a match between prod.prodid and > pa.prodid. IOW, if there's a match between prod.prodid and pa.prodid, > I want the output from both the product table and the prod_alias > table. if there's no match, I still want the output from product > table. Can I do this in one select statement? I think, you should read about 'left outer join'. HTH, Andreas -- Andreas Kretschmer (Kontakt: siehe Header) Heynitz: 035242/47215, D1: 0160/7141639 GnuPG-ID 0x3FFF606C === Schollglas Unternehmensgruppe ===