Kenneth Downs wrote:
Tony Caduto wrote:
Dave Page wrote:
Only runs on Windows though doesn't it?
Regards, Dave
Hardly a limitation since Linux and other Unix based operating systems
account for a trivial percent of the desktop market.
I guess it depends on your definition of trivial. Linux represents 100%
of the desktops at Secure Data Software. Therefore lightning will be
deployed in the trivial percentage of zero.
Well even more then that. The market that Tony is going after he
*thinks* runs Windows, it doesn't.
The majority of people out there that run PostgreSQL are running *nix.
Yes, the majority of downloads we have received over the past two years
is Windows. However that number is completely false because all major
*nix (Including Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, MacOSX and Linux) ship with
I would actually, probably purchase pgLightning if it ran on Linux but
sense it doesn't.... he is out of luck and frankly, so am I because it
is a good product.
Joshua D. Drake
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
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