Well western digital and Seagate both carry 5 year warranties. Seagate I
believe does on almost all of there products. WD you have to pick the
right drive.
That's nice, but it seems similar to my Toshiba laptop drive experience
--- it breaks, we replace it. I would rather not have to replace it. :-)
Laptop drives are known to have short lifespans do to heat. I have IDE
drives that have been running for four years without any issues but I
have good fans blowing over them.
Frankly I think if you are running drivess (in a production environment)
for more then 3 years your crazy anyway :)
Let me mention the only drive that has ever failed without warning was a
SCSI Deskstar (deathstar) drive, which was a hybrid because it was a
SCSI drive, but made for consumer use.
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