On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 18:37:31 -0700, leo camalig <leo_camalig@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Good Day.... > > > I Just want to ask on how to allow a non-local in PostgreSQL without adding it in > pg-hba.conf That isn't possible. You need to grant the access using that file. > I just want to view a desktop application on Web, yes it works, but you need to allow those I.P. addresses that will gonna connect to postgreSQL. What I want is everyone in the net can access the said desktop application. Can you help me on how to configure it. Can you clarify what you are really asking? The "internet" is not the "web". Are you asking if people can run desktop applications that connect directly to your database server from anywhere? If so, the abswer is that it's possible, but you probably don't really want to do that. If you are asking if you can have people run an application using a web browser where the application runs on a server you control, that is also possible and is generally a better way to do things.