Hello. I have an MS - Access front end which connects to PostgreSQL 8.1.3. Almost everything is working great, I especially love how I can use rules in PostgreSQL to be able to update and insert into views, which is awesome. Now my only issue, and I'm not sure this is even possible but here it is. Can one base an MS Access form on a PostgreSQL table using only ADO and have it be updateable and insertable? Currently all I'm able to do is get the data as READONLY when I do it via ADO, yet when I use linked tables in MS Access I am able to update and insert. Here is the ADO code: Sub Form_Open ( Cancel As Integer) Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs AS ADODB.RecordSet Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.RecordSet cn.Open "DSN=PostgreSQL ANSI; Database=db; UID=postgres; Password=xxxx;" rs.CursorLocation = adUseServer rs.Open "SELECT * FROM view_x;", cn, adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic Set Me.Recordset = rs End Sub The above returns records to the form, its just that they are not updateable or insertable. Thanks for your help.