Tom Lane wrote: > I hope it said rules, because you can't put a trigger on a view. > > regression=# create table t(f1 int, f2 text); > CREATE TABLE > regression=# create view v as select * from t; > CREATE VIEW > regression=# insert into v values(22, 'foo'); > ERROR: cannot insert into a view > HINT: You need an unconditional ON INSERT DO INSTEAD rule. > regression=# create rule r as on insert to v do instead > regression-# insert into t values(new.*); > CREATE RULE > regression=# insert into v values(22, 'foo'); > INSERT 0 1 > regression=# select * from t; > f1 | f2 > ----+----- > 22 | foo > (1 row) Thanks Tom, I tried it and it worked. Is it possible to do something a bit more complex? Can you use rules to insert into a view that has multiple tables as the source? For example: CREATE VIEW v AS SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.num = t2.num; Would the rule for the above look something like this? CREATE RULE r AS ON INSERT INTO t1, t2 WHERE t1.num = t2.num DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO t1 , t2 VALUES (new.*);