pgdb wrote:
like to know if I can replicate a PG db to another lightweight platform
like SQLite? The objective is to "push" updates to remote
devices(laptops, PDAs etc) from a central server, so that the data can
be used offline. These devices are not expected to modify any data,
accessing them thru' the small-footprint db system. Would be glad to
hear if there are examples of existing commercial/OSS products to serve
the purpose. Appreciate any advice. Thanks.
I doubt you'll find any tools to replicate between database systems..
however using pg_dump as a starting point you might be able to create
your own sqlite database and then replicate/copy that around.
You might have issues with date/time fields (don't know how sqlite
handles these) amongst other things, so you might need a script of some
sort to do some conversions.
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