"A. Kretschmer" <andreas.kretschmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > am 28.04.2006, um 12:59:25 +0300 mailte Andrus folgendes: >> How to define + operator as alias of || operator for strings > create function _string_plus(text, text) returns text as $$ > begin > return $1 || $2; > end; > $$ language plpgsql; > create operator + ( > leftarg = text, > rightarg = text, > procedure = _string_plus, > commutator = + > ); There's no need to bother with creating a function, just make the + operator point at the same underlying function that || already uses ("textcat" I believe). However, the reply is really incomplete without pointing out why this is not such a hot idea: text + text will tend to capture ambiguous cases, and thus possibly break queries that used to work (date + integer is a case that comes to mind as being at risk). Refusing to deal with databases that can't handle the 14-year-old SQL standard spelling of concatenation would be a better plan IMHO --- if they can't get this right, it's unlikely that they are much better on a lot of other points that will be harder to work around. regards, tom lane