On Apr 19, 2006, at 14:44 , Martin Kuria wrote:
I have a postgresql database Table Categories which has the
structure like this
Cat_ID | Parent_ID | Name
1 | 0 | Automobiles
2 | 0 | Beauty & Health
3 | 1 | Bikes
4 | 1 | Cars
5 | 3 | Suzuki
6 | 3 | Yamaha
7 | 0 | Clothes
According to the above Database data, Suzuki and Yamaha are the
Subcategories of Category Bikes and Bikes in turn is the
Subcategory of Automobiles.
If you're looking at having a potentially deep hierarchy, I'd
recommend taking a look at nested sets, which also allows you to keep
everything in one table.
By the way, the method you outline above is often called the
adjacency list model.
Hope this helps.
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com