I expect that you will need to post and explain analyze results of this query so that members of the list can give you better feedback. --- Bert <clemens.bertschler@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi List > I have maybe an easy question but i do not find an answer, i have this > SQL query: > > SELECT geom,group,production_facs FROM south_america > WHERE municipio = '' > OR municipio = 'ACRE' > OR municipio = 'ADJUNTAS' > OR municipio = 'AGUADA' > > The performance of this query is quite worse as longer it gets, its > possible that this query gets over 20 to 30 OR comparisons, but then > the performance is really worse, is it possible to speed it up? > Thanks > Clemens > > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster >