Tom Lane wrote:
That's short one "all": you need type, database, user, method columns
(but no address column for "local").
Hi All,
yes, Tom, you're correct. Someone mailed me directly(thank you), with a
link to their site's tut on authentication, and I picked up on it
straight away. Seems the sites I was looking at were wrong. Anyway, I
now get this,
[racket@ibmlap ~]$ psql template1
psql: FATAL: role "racket" does not exist
Log output:
LOG: database system is ready
LOG: transaction ID wrap limit is 2147484146, limited by database
FATAL: role "racket" does not exist
Which confuses me, as local all all trust should allow me to connect,
no? Or, is there a particular syntax when connecting locally? I can't
imagie that being so, but then agan, I would have expected this to be a
little easier than it has been already. Cheers.
Mark Sargent.