hi all, i am trying to create a database backup and restore windows batch file, which when run will do a database table backup and a corresponding table restore. now for table_usernames backup i run something like from the command prompt, pg_dump.exe -i -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -F t -v -f "C:\usernames.backup" -t table_usernames "loginDetails" now for db restore i run something like from the command prompt, pg_restore.exe -i -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d "loginDetails" -a -t table_usernames -v "C:\usernames.backup" the problem is that after i do a backup i need to delete the table content and then do a restore. through pgadmin i would do DELETE FROM table_usernames. however i need to do this from the command prompt, like how i am doing above. it seems very obvious and simple, but i am unable to think of how i would do deletion of a table from the command prompt thanks for all feedback and help.