On 4/17/06, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
My database has a table that store all changes mades on all tables. The insert is made by onde single trigger, but I create a function that build functions to convert an generic record on a text value.
If this is usefull, mail-me ;-)
Dynamic record name cannot be made on a plpgsql function. This topic was discursed some months ago.
aaron.clauson@xxxxxxxxx writes:
> I'm trying to write a stored procedure that can capture all the changes
> to a table and record the changes based on the table's primary key.
> I can almost get there but the sticking point is being able to access
> the primary key field of the NEW/OLD record in the trigger stored
> procedure without knowing it's name.
My database has a table that store all changes mades on all tables. The insert is made by onde single trigger, but I create a function that build functions to convert an generic record on a text value.
If this is usefull, mail-me ;-)
William Leite Araújo
Especialista em Geoprocessamento - UFMG
Bacharel em Ciêncida da Computação - UFMG
MSN: ufmgwil@xxxxxxxxxxxx
ICQ: 222159351
GTalk: william.bh@xxxxxxxxx
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Skype: william.bh