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Re: inet value validation

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pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> schrieb:

> hello,
> I want to write a function to validate an inet data type, but I figure that 
> postgres should already have such a function to use before inserting values 
> in inet type columns.
> is it possible to access postgres's validation function for inet types ? I 
> have snooped through the catalogs but I can not find such a function.

You can try to cast a string into inet like this:

test=# select ''::inet;
(1 row)

test=# select ''::inet;
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type inet: ""

Now you can write a little function to do this:

,----[  a little function  ]
| create or replace function check_ip(varchar) returns bool as $$
| declare
|         i inet;
| begin
|         i := $1::inet;
|         return 't'::bool;
|         EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_text_representation then
|                 return 'f'::bool;
| end;
| $$ language plpgsql immutable strict;

You can use this function now inside a transaction.

HTH, Andreas
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