I'm a newbie. I'll admit it. I'm having some trouble.
I have 8.1 installed on ubuntu. I have a simple database set
up. I have a new user set up and I can log in as that user.
I've set the owner of the simple database to that user with 'ALTER
DATABASE [db] OWNER TO [user]', and this user shows up as the owner
with '\l+'. Yet, I can't do anything with the database as that
user. Can't even select. I added select privaledges to a
table for that user, and then select worked.
However, from what I can gather from reading this...
the owner should be able to do this kind of stuff without explicitly
adding privs. Any idea? I assume the ORIGINAL owner has
full privs, but a set owner does not. Is this correct?
If so, is there any way to set privs for a new owner without explicitly listing each table?
Thanks in advance