Hello, I am trying to import an Excel file in my database (8.0.7). I think I am supposed to create an CSV file out of my Excel file and somehow, feed the database with it. My pronblem is that I don't really know how to do it... :( Can anyone give me a hint about how to do that? One last "detail", the Excel files contains roughly 45.000 lines and 15 columns. So, I need a fast and efficient method. Here is my database: -- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- SET client_encoding = 'UNICODE'; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; -- -- Data for Name: Flight Traffic; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: ted -- COPY "Flight Traffic" ("AR", "ICAOAIRP", "MOTORTYP", "VIKT", "ICAOTYP", "FROMTO", "ANTAL", "CLASS", "SUBCLASS", "BULLERKLASS", "MILJOKLASS", "ANTAL_PAX", "ARRDEP", "INTDOM", "KUNDNAMN") FROM stdin; 2004 ESDF - 0 RALL ESME 1 P F 3 0 0 A D FORSBERG \. -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete -- And here is the .CSV i try to import: 2004,"ESDF","-",0,"RALL","ESME",1,"P","F",3,0,0,"A","D","FORSBERG, N MARTIN" Daniel -- ********************************************************************** Daniel TOURDE E-mail : daniel.tourde@xxxxxx Tel : +46 (0)8-55 50 32 12 Fax : +46 (0)8-55 50 30 68 Cellular : +46 (0)70-849 93 40 FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency; Systemteknik Department of Aviation Environmental Research SE-164 90 Stockholm, Sweden **********************************************************************