Hi Listers, I have the following problem (OS= RHELU2 , PG version= 8.1.3) when I try to Create a database : postgres=# CREATE DATABASE world3 TEMPLATE=template1 ENCODING='UTF8' TABLESPACE=tbs1 ; CREATE DATABASE Then I am backup-ing the database (a small toy DB) with pg_dumpall: pg_dumpall > alldb.bak Less alldb.bak: -------------------- .... CREATE DATABASE world3 WITH TEMPLATE = template0 OWNER = pg ENCODING = 'UTF8' TABLESPACE = tbs1; .... -------------------- Why pg_dumpall is stating that my template db is template0 and not template1 ? Is there any way to check what db (template0 or template1 ) was actually used a template when creating world2 db ? I am having the same problem with all my databases I have compiled and installed PG 8.1.3 from sources Any hints are highly appreciated Regards. Milen