Hi list, We are using Linux SuSE 9.3 with psycopg 1.18 and postgresql 7.4.8. Sometimes we get the following error message on varying queries: 2006-01-18 13:19:17,807 ERROR SQLDict 185 Fout in Select ERROR: user with ID 322 does not exist SELECT "per_id", "per_naam1", "per_naam2", "per_telefoonnr_thuis", "per_telefoonnr_mobiel", "per_faxnr", "per_mailadres_thuis", "per_mailadres_werk", " per_adres", "per_opmerkingen", "mutmed", "mutdat", "per_aanhef", "per_geboortedatum", "per_sofinr", "per_geslacht", "per_aanmaakdatum", "per_debiteur_t ime", "per_debiteur_toegevoegd", "per_roepnaam", "per_adressering_meisjesnaam", "per_initialen", "per_tussenvoegsels", "per_meisjesnaam", "per_achterna am", "cli_geboorteplaats", "cli_nationaliteit", "cli_burgerlijke_staat", "cli_vluchteling", "cli_verblijfsvergunning", "cli_gehandicapt", "cli_autoallo ", "cli_woonsituatie", "cli_roepnaam", "cli_eigen_werknr", "cli_soort_identificatie", "cli_identificatie", "cli_aantkinderen", "cli_rijbewijs", "cli_uw vcode", "cli_cwicode", "cli_opschort_vanaf", "cli_opschort_tot", "cli_verzuimcoordinator", "cli_opschort_actief" FROM "adeuxproductie"."clienten" sqd1 WHERE per_id in ((select cli_id from "adeuxproductie".betrokken_opdrachten where betrokkene = 1061 and (opd_status < 90 OR (opd_status >= 90 AND ((o pd_real_einde is NULL or opd_real_einde > '2006-01-04') OR uit_categorie is NULL)))) UNION (select cli_id from "adeuxproductie".planning et1, "adeuxproductie".activiteiten_stappen et2, "adeuxproductie".opdrachten et3, "adeuxproductie".groepen_per_medewerker et4 where et1.opd_id = et3.opd_id and et1.stp_id = et2.tab_id and et4.mwg_id = et2.act_med_groep and med_id = 1061 and (opd_status < 90 OR (opd_status >= 90 AND ((opd_real_einde is NULL or opd_real_einde > '2006-01-04') OR uit_categorie is NULL))))) It looks as if the user that is connected to the database suddenly doesn't exist anymore. The user has been able to connect, to work for a while, and after a while this error occurs. Anyone any ideas? Could this be a problem in libpq, or postgresql? Thanks in advance Dick Kniep