On Apr 1, 2006, at 0:19 , Robert Treat wrote:
On Thursday 30 March 2006 03:03, Aaron Glenn wrote:
Anyone care to share the great books, articles, manifestos, notes,
leaflets, etc on data modelling they've come across? Ideally I'd like
to find a great college level book on data models, but I haven't come
across one that even slightly holds "definitive resource"-type
I've heard that "Relational Database Design" (ISBN: 0123264251) is
good for
college level introductory material, though the book I generally
most is "Practical Issues in Database Management" (ISBN: 0201485559)
Might be a bit OT your OT (as it leans towards the relational model
in general rather than data modeling--applying the relational model
for a particular use), but I am really enjoying "Database in Depth :
Relational Theory for Practitioners" (ISBN: 0596100124).
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com