Pandurangan R S wrote:
Is there any way to change a SERIAL type to an INTEGER? I think that it
should be easy, since SERIAL is, in fact, an INTEGER with some conditions.
There serial column is just a integer, with default as nextval from a
sequence, so there is no neccessity to change the datatype of the
column. You have successfully removed the default value for this
column with you first SQL statement.
I hope this condition should not cause any problem, except that
sequence lingers in the database.
However, if you are determined to get rid of the sequence, then you
may follow the procedure below
Disclaimer : It worked for me and I hope that this tinkering with
pg_depend table will not cause any adverse effects and you might want
to make sure that there will not be any side effects and I am not
responsible for any damage caused :)
select * from pg_depend where refobjid = (select oid from pg_class
where relname = 'mytable') and objid = (select oid from pg_class where
relname = 'mytable_mytableid_seq');
delete from pg_depend where refobjid = (select oid from pg_class where
relname = 'mytable') and objid = (select oid from pg_class where
relname = 'mytable_mytableid_seq');
DROP SEQUENCE mytable_mytableid_seq;
On 1/27/06, Pedro Monjo Florit <pmonjo2000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
but the last command fails, saying that mytable still uses this sequence.
Is there any way to change a SERIAL type to an INTEGER? I think that it
should be easy, since SERIAL is, in fact, an INTEGER with some conditions.
Hi Pandu,
I have finally had some time to try your suggestion and it seems to work