hi tom,
thank you for your answer! i am very happy that i will not need the global
directory cause i really don't have it (too many bad sectors).
is the problem of having no relations founds with psql mydb1 \d related to
setting the next oid, next transaction id and WAL starting address with
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Lane" <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "patrick" <patrick@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] recover from base directory?
"patrick" <patrick@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
some update... but still not working. so to resume i have base / pg_xlog
files and archives dir.) / pg_clog - BUT no global. i reinstalled
8.0.4 (same version of my backup data/). initdb, createdb mydb1, mydb2
and move pg_xlog and _clog over the data. rename my base to fit the oid.
starting postmaster is working fine, but i had to do a pg_resetxlog and
it start like normal. but the problem is when i pgsql mydb1 \d no
You probably need to do a pg_resetxlog to move the transaction ID
counter up to where it was before. Too bad you didn't find the old
global directory --- the pg_control file would have been good to reuse.
In its absence, look at the pg_resetxlog manual page concerning how to
determine a reasonable XID setting from the pg_clog file names.
regards, tom lane
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