Terry Lee Tucker wrote:
Hello List:
I posted a question over the weekend regarding this issue but I failed to
communicate effectively what the problem is. I was weary :o[ Let me try
I have a plpgsql function which makes updates to a set of records across two
tables in a One to Many relationship hereinafter referred to as "parent" and
"child". The parent record contains two important sets of information that
is relative to this process. The first is data that links the children to the
parent. The second is data that links the parent to the to a third table that
we will call "totals". The update to the totals table is accomplished by the
execution of a trigger that is fired as a result of updating the child
records. The function updates the child records in a loop and then, at the
bottom of the function, the parent table is updated, setting to null the
values that link it to the totals table. The problem is that the update to
the parent table is occurring first; then, the updates to the child records
are occurring.
I'm curious about this issue. How is this possible? I caught the
previous posting, but didn't see any responses. Is there anyway to deal
with this issue. I know I've got code that takes a similar approach and
I'm now concerned that I'm going to trash my database.
Until later, Geoffrey