Jeff Amiel wrote: > There are other techniques to balance the load of the database calls so > that some go to one box and some to others, yet keep the data in synch... > Continuent makes a commercial p/cluster product as well as an open > source product called Sequoia that sit in the JDBC layer and direct > traffic and control the load balancing. pgpool allows you to load balance queries between two servers. While it doesn't solve the issue of trying to read a row that hasn't been replicated, it does offer you a bit of control that may be of use to you. Any statement that is in a transaction will automatically go to the master DB. If some queries are sensitive to this issue, and some aren't, then you might be able to make pgpool work for you by wrapping the sensitive ones in a transaction. -- Brad Nicholson 416-673-4106 Database Administrator, Afilias Canada Corp.