On 3/14/06,
Michael Fuhr <mike@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 09:24:52AM +0100, Paul Mackay wrote:
> It seems that any user has the right to execute a function, whether or not
> it has been granted the EXECUTE privilege on it. Even a REVOKE EXECUTE has
> no impact. A privilige error will be raised only if the function tries to
> access an object (ex.: a table) for witch the user doesn't have the
> appropriate privilege(s).
Revoking EXECUTE from an individual user has no effect if public
still has privileges, which is does by default.
> Is there any utility to the GRANT EXECUTE then ?
If you revoke public's privileges then GRANT EXECUTE has an effect.
test=> create function foo() returns integer as 'select 1' language sql;
test=> revoke all on function foo() from public;
test=> grant execute on function foo() to user1;
test=> \c - user1
You are now connected as new user "user1".
test=> select foo();
(1 row)
test=> \c - user2
You are now connected as new user "user2".
test=> select foo();
ERROR: permission denied for function foo
Michael Fuhr