Hi Tino Wildenhain, Sorry for irritating you with my problems.Every time i run my installing it gives different problems and rolls back.Once when i move with account name as postgres it gives problem as "user account exists" and rollsback. If i try with different user it gives problem as Internal Account look up failure:NO mapping between account names and security Ids done I am sure that no other Postgres exists in my directory(c:\programfiles\).But while installing my wampapache and wampmysqld are running. Can u please give me how can i solve this problem.Is there any possibility that UserAccounts are stored other than the directory where we are installing the directory. How can we browse my postgres to be installed in a different location by default it is installing in c:\programfiles\ sorry if i trouble you with these questions but i need it to be installed to get worked with maps using PGIS. Can u give me the solution ASAP. Thanks and Regards, Venu. --- Tino Wildenhain <tino@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > venu gopal schrieb: > > Hi all, > > I am new to pgsql family.I had a problem with > > installing postgres8.1 i was getting the following > > error at the 4th step of installation the error is > as > > follows: > > > > Data directory error: > > The specified data directory is not empty > > > > If you have an existing database with teh same > > major version number,you do not need to initialise > a > > database cluster. > > If you have an existing database with the same > > major version you need to backup your old database > and > > create a new one. > > > > why this warning actually arises.If I install > by > > unchecking the initialise database cluster then > the > > next three steps of installation procedure is not > > shown.It goes directly installation and starts > > installation after some time a fatal error arises > > saying accont not matching.................... > > Why not just try the obvious and delete anything in > the target installation directory and retry? > Maybe you have some old version from earlier attempt > there? Alternatively you could install into another > location. Did you make sure you dont have another > postgres version installed and even actually > running? > > ---------------------------(end of > broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? > > http://archives.postgresql.org > ___________________________________________________________ To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre. http://uk.security.yahoo.com