You should use libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_german.[ch] and
tsearch2/gendict/ script to generate stemmer for UTF8 as usial:
Thies C. Arntzen wrote:
hey theodor,
the dicts are ony one half of the solution, aren't they?
i also want to use the UTF8 stemmers from the snowball project so i have
to take them from their "libstemmers", right? i haven't found
instructions on how to use gendict libstemmers (btw: i am using tsearch2
from CVS HEAD). or are you suggesting to use the 8859 stemmers with a
utf8 tsearch install?
regards, thies
Am 22.02.2006 um 08:26 schrieb Teodor Sigaev:
Contact with Alexander Presber <aljoscha at> about
dictionaries, he now work on it. UTF8 will work only in CVS HEAD (8.2
release in the future)
Thies C. Arntzen wrote:
i'm using tsearch2 from HEAD with 8.1.3 (with some 8.1.x compile
fixes) and want to use the UTF8 snowball stemmers. so far (haven't
really hacked on it yet) with little success. i've seen some messages
on the list lately but i failed to find a step-by-step guid how to
use the utf8 stemmers (libstemmer) with tsearch2 and german
dictionaries. if someone has already done this with success i would
be more than hyppy to get directions - if not i'll do it the "hard
way" and post my results once i succeed;-)
best regards,
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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
--Teodor Sigaev E-mail:
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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: teodor@xxxxxxxxx