Hi, I try to migrate an Oracle database ( one schema) to an Postgresql (8.1.3) database. I use ora2pg to do this ... When I use it after a while I get the following error: MONTANTTVARECUP => type:NUMBER , length:22, precision:, scale:, nullable:Y , default: DTCREA => type:DATE , length:7, precision:, scale:, nullable:Y , default: [34] Scanning TYPECOMPTEBO ( USRWEB TYPECOMPTEBO TABLE )... TYPE => type:VARCHAR2 , length:2, precision:, scale:, nullable:Y , default: [35] Scanning TYPE_MATERIEL ( USRWEB TYPE_MATERIEL TABLE )... ID_TYPE_MATERIEL => type:NUMBER , length:22, precision:, scale:0, nullable:N , default: TYPE_MATERIEL => type:VARCHAR2 , length:20, precision:, scale:, nullable:N , default: Dumping table TRANSACTIONS... ........................................................DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: out of memory DETAIL: Failed on request of size 16. ERROR: out of memory DETAIL: Failed on request of size 16. Is it a problem with perl memory or posgresql memory ? Can you hellp me please ? Thanks in advance ...