David Goodenough <david.goodenough@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > I have some generic code to which I pass a series of values to be inserted > into a PostgreSQL table which includes a field which is defined as a timestamp > and which I wish to populate with a string of the form > "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS". Under pg 8 and before this worked fine > but now with 8.1 I seem to be getting an exception which reads:- > ERROR: column "created" is of type timestamp without time zone but expression > is of type character varying > All this is done using JDBC (so I suppose it might be a JDBC error). Check the JDBC archives --- I think you're probably getting burnt by some side effect of the changes they made to use parameterized queries. You have to be a lot more honest now about informing the JDBC driver what datatype your statement parameters really are. regards, tom lane