Steve Manes wrote:
Marc G. Fournier wrote:
As of this moment, if Oracle buys Zend, they could effectively kill
PHP ... the core engine that PHP is built around is a Zend engine, so
if they were to revoke the license for that, PHP would be dead ...
kinda like MySQL with InnoDB ... now, there was talk at one point
time with replacying that engine with Parrot, so I'm not sure how
hard/long it would take for them to do so if Zend got pulled out from
under them ...
FWIW, I know that Yahoo began quietly (though not quietly enough,
obviously) organizing an Open PHP dev group a couple of years ago with
the purpose of replacing the proprietary Zend engine.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
A secret Open group I like it!
Sorry for spamming I couldn't resist,