> am 10.02.2006, um 20:22:57 +1100 mailte James Harper folgendes: > > Is there anything I can do to make postgres allow an implicit cast of an > > empty string to a timestamp, so that a badly behaved application can do: > > > INSERT INTO SomeTable (timestampfield) VALUES ('') > > You can't insert a empty string into a timestamp, IIRC. No, and if someone tries I want to put a NULL in there. I had hoped the following might work (syntax is from memory): CREATE SCHEMA fnord; SET search_path TO fnord; CREATE FUNCTION fnord.timestamp (text) RETURNS timestamp LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT pg_catalog.timestamp('20010101') $$; SELECT CAST(text '20060101' AS timestamp); SELECT CAST(text '' AS timestamp); I had hoped that my 'timestamp' function would have overridden the unqualified function call in the cast, but it was not to be :( Curiously tho, \df didn't even acknowledge the 'timestamp' function in the database, even though it was in the pg_proc's table. Oh well. James