There is a little trick you can do though, it goes something like this:
insert into table (field1, field2, field3) select v1, v2, v3 union
b1, b2, b3 union select c1, c2, c3
I originally did this because it was significantly faster on SQL
Server 2000 than doing the inserts individually. Usually I did it
with up to maybe 20 rows at a time that were all grouped to some kind
of common parent.
Some version of postgres a long time ago broke my code because it did
some stricter type checking and so I had to make sure that I was
never putting single quotes around int and that date fields were
strictly typecasted so that it wouldn't think they were strings. It
does work now though as long as I do that and I use it all the time.
I don't know if it gets the same sort of speed boost in postgres as
it did in sql server. As long as they are all done within a single
transaction in postgres it may not matter whether you do them
individually or batched like that.
If you really have a lot of data you want to insert at once why not
just use COPY?
On Feb 9, 2006, at 4:13 PM, Chris wrote:
You can't do that in postgres, sorry. That's a mysql-ism.
Gonzalo Villegas wrote:
It must be something like
insert into table (field1,field2,...) values (v1,v2,...),(b1,b2,...),
---------------------------(end of
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