Hello, do i have to prefered to use UNION and INTERSECT or is it better with OR and AND ? Query example : 1. OR SELECT a.designation, m.label FROM article a JOIN manufacturer m ON m.id = a.manufacturer_id WHERE a.designation || m.label ILIKE '%elec%' OR a.designation || m.label ILIKE '%compa%' OR a.designation || m.label ILIKE '%xs%' 2. UNION SELECT a.designation, m.label FROM article a JOIN manufacturer m ON m.id = a.manufacturer_id WHERE a.designation || m.label ILIKE '%elec%' UNION SELECT a.designation, m.label FROM article a JOIN manufacturer m ON m.id = a.manufacturer_id WHERE a.designation || m.label ILIKE '%compa%' UNION SELECT a.designation, m.label FROM article a JOIN manufacturer m ON m.id = a.manufacturer_id WHERE a.designation || m.label ILIKE '%xs%' My actual database, is too small to see a real difference. That's why i prefered to ask this newsgroup. Thanks for your support, David "Willou". http://www.willou.net.