Tom Lane wrote:
Tony Caduto <tony_caduto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
I saw some where that if I recompiled my server with
MAKE_EXPIRED_TUPLES_VISIBLE I would be able to see deleted rows?
If you aren't a certified wizard you do NOT want to turn that on,
because it will very probably help you make things worse. My opinion
on it is on record:
regards, tom lane
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
Well, it does not seem to do anything, I enabled it with ./configure
I then thought well maybe I need to do dump of the table and the deleted
tuples would be in there, but no.
./configure --enable-MAKE_EXPIRED_TUPLES_VISIBLE is the correct way to
enable it right?
I accidentliy deleted 2600 rows that I would like to get back, so I gave