Sergey Karin wrote:
Hi, List! I'm using PG8.1. Are there any abilities to represent NULL values as string?
Null isn't a real value. Try not to think of it as a value.
num_value alias for $1;
string_value := \'input value = \' || num_value;
If I einvoke my function with NULL argument, it return NULL. But I want 'input value = NULL'.
Because NULL means unknown. A string with an unknown string appended to it is itself unknown.
Of course, I can check input value like this: if(num_value isnull) then string_value := \'input value = NULL\'; else string_value := \'input_value = \' || num_value; end if; But it is not laconic...
Try something like: string_value := ''input_value = '' || COALESCE(num_value, 'a null'); -- Richard Huxton Archonet Ltd