Quoting "Joshua D. Drake" <jd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
This is true but in answer to your question you can use something like
cryptfs. Note that you will loose performance.
Joshua D. Drake
I'm looking for something that runs *inside* of Postgres, at a
higher level than a loop-back encrypted volume. This way, it would
only be available when the database engine was running, and ideally
only accessible to an authenticated/logged in user.
Nothing that I know of that would work without custom development.
There are of course plenty of libraries.
Joshua D. Drake
Just as an aside, this paper is rather interesting:
Instead of needing the table to be decrypted for ordinary access via
SQL, they suggest a new method of indexing encrypted material. In it,
they talk about a system (Mofdet) they've developed, but I was unable
to locate anything online regarding it.