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Distance calculation

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I have a latiude and longitude for a city and latitude, longitude foreach hotel in hotels table.

I have to reitreive 20 hotels nearby to that city in 25 miles. The below is the query I am using to check the distance. But the query is slow because of distance calulation on fly and order by distance.

Can anybody help me how can I improve performance by refining lat and long data.
v_point is the city lat and long.(point(citylong citylat))

 SELECT pr.property_id
  , pr.property_type As property_type_id
   , pr.property_name
    ,round (DISTANCE( v_point:: geometry,
POINTFromText('Point(' ||pr.long ||' ' ||||')')::geometry) *69.055) as CityToHotelDistance
       FROM pr
        INNER JOIN place p ON (pr.place_id = p.place_id)
       INNER JOIN placedetail pd ON (p.place_id = pd.place_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN property.vw_property_price vwp ON (vwp.property_id = pr.property_id)
       WHERE DISTANCE( v_point :: geometry,
POINTFromText('Point(' ||pr.long ||' ' ||||')')::geometry) < .4 AND pr.place_id != p_place_id
                  AND (pr.status_type_id is null OR pr.status_type_id = 0)
                  ORDER BY DISTANCE( v_point :: geometry,
POINTFromText('Point(' ||pr.long ||' ' ||||')')::geometry)
                  offset 0 LIMIT 20;

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