The following query is working when this is used by static cursor. This will
return all the properties within the distance of 20 miles
v_point is a local variable. 'POINT(' || v_rec.lon || ' ' || v_rec.lat ||
SELECT property_rating_id
, property_id
, property_name_fixed
FROM property.vw_property_rating pr
INNER JOIN property.property_map2ns pm ON(pr.property_id = pm.tp_id)
WHERE DISTANCE( v_point :: geometry,
POINTFromText('Point(' ||pm.long ||' ' ||
pm.lat||')')::geometry) < .4;
But When I am trying to build the dynamic sql string to a refcursor it is
not able to identify the syntax
Below is the dynamic sql string not working
v_sqladd = ' DISTANCE( v_point :: geometry,
POINTFromText(' || ' Point(' ||pm.long ||' ' ||
pm.lat||')'||')::geometry) < .4';
sqlstr = 'SELECT property_rating_id
, property_id
, property_name_fixed
FROM property.vw_property_rating pr
INNER JOIN property.property_map2ns pm ON(pr.property_id = pm.tp_id)
WHERE '|| p_condition || ' and ' || v_sqlAdd ;
I am trying add the v_sqladd to sqlstr and not working. The error is pm.
Can anybody help me.