Yes a backend gets spewed. Actually it did connect me finally (I am not sure
exactly how long it took). I checked back after about four hours and I was
connected. I have also noticed in the past that after running vacuum the
client (psql) takes longer than usual to connect.
Thanks all
From: "Joshua D. Drake" <jd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Jim Nasby <jnasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Sally Sally <dedeb17@xxxxxxxxxxx>, pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Unable to connect to a dabase
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 16:02:11 -0800
LOG: database system was shut down at 2006-01-13 18:04:05 EST
LOG: checkpoint record is at 505/C80F1010
LOG: redo record is at 505/C80F1010; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown
LOG: next transaction ID: 1341794294; next OID: 1358710904
LOG: database system is ready
Well, that looks like a clean startup. I'm not sure if anyone else on the
list has any ideas. Maybe getting a stack trace of psql trying to connect
would shed some light...
Does a backend get spawned when you try running psql? (Look at ps aux|grep
postgres before and after running psql).
If you telnet to localhost 5432 is it listening or does it hang? If it
hangs I would guess a firewall but I would think you would pick up on the
unix socket.
From: "Jim C. Nasby" <jnasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Sally Sally <dedeb17@xxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Unable to connect to a dabase
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 16:55:16 -0600
Please don't hijack threads fo new questions.
On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 10:45:51PM +0000, Sally Sally wrote:
I had to kill a vacuum in the middle with -9. I shut down
and restarted
postgres server several times after that but I am unable
to connect to
db that I was initially running vacuum on
I'm doing "psql dbname" and it hangs for a while. I'm
still waiting. Any
What's the logfile say about it?
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant jnasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pervasive Software work: 512-231-6117
vcard: cell: 512-569-9461
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