Matthew Peter wrote:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getlist(text) RETURNS SETOF my_tbl as $$ SELECT * FROM my_tbl WHERE u_id IN (0, $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; SELECT * from getlist('1,2,3'); (0 rows)
You're executing SELECT * FROM my_tbl WHERE u_id IN (0, '1,2,3'). Apparently there are no values 0 or '1,2,3' for u_id in that table.
I'm sure it's probably trival but I'm still learning how psql :) Thanks
You can split the string into values with string_to_array(). You'll still be comparing ints with strings though.
Without casting the resulting strings to ints you run the risk that the database needs to cast the int u_id value to text for every record encountered. For 'small' data sets this shouldn't be a problem.
I suppose this is a simplified example, or you wouldn't have a reason to use an SP; you'd just SELECT * FROM my_tbl WHERE u_id IN (0,1,2,3)
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