I'm expecting this to do an indexed scan... any clue why it's not? This is with PG 7.4. Thanks!! planb=# explain select id,shotname from df_files where showid=30014515::bigint; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on df_files (cost=0.00..791035.45 rows=540370 width=22) Filter: (showid = 30014515::bigint) (2 rows) planb=# \d df_files; Table "public.df_files" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------+-----------------------------+----------- id | bigint | not null showid | bigint | not null shotname | character varying(256) | not null elemname | character varying(256) | not null frameno | character varying(12) | not null ext | character varying(12) | not null filename | character varying(256) | not null filesize | bigint | locked | boolean | timestamp | timestamp without time zone | Indexes: "df_files_pkey" primary key, btree (id) "df_files_elemname" btree (elemname) "df_files_ext" btree (ext) "df_files_filename" btree (filename) "df_files_frameno" btree (frameno) "df_files_shotname" btree (shotname) "df_files_show" btree (showid) "df_files_showid" btree (showid) planb=# select count(*) from df_files where showid=30014515::bigint; count -------- 528362 (1 row) Time: 420598.071 ms planb=# select count(*) from df_files; count ---------- 24415513 (1 row) Time: 306554.085 ms