"Dumortier" <dominique.dumortier@xxxxxxxx> writes: > Since I could not figure how to make the pg_dump of v8.1 work correctly. I > used the pg_dump of v7.1 and I obtained 5 files of about 5Go. > I found on the mailing list a solution that someone had used which consisted > in replacing the literal carriage returns using the sed program: sed > s/^M/\\r/ file.dump > newfile.dump > The files were reduced to a bit more than 1Go each, You did something very wrong then. This should have produced files that were larger not smaller than the originals (not a lot larger, unless there were huge numbers of carriage returns, but definitely not smaller). It's worth asking whether there really were carriage returns in your data in the first place. Maybe they were artifacts of having transferred the dump file through a Windows machine? regards, tom lane