Guys, I'm running PG 7.4 on Ubuntu Breezy for Ruby on Rails development. One of the things I ofter have to do is rebuild the database...for which I have a script that I've created to do it in one step. I've noticed some oddities. The script connects to template1, drops the target database, creates the target database, and the rebuilds the tables. However, two specific tables and sequences are not dropped, although the drop command completes successfully. For example, here's the error reproduced manually: dailystatus=> \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-----------------+----------+-------- public | garages | table | wellsj public | garages_id_seq | sequence | wellsj public | trucks | table | wellsj public | trucks_id_seq | sequence | wellsj public | sites | table | wellsj public | sites_id_seq | sequence | wellsj public | statuses | table | wellsj public | statuses_id_seq | sequence | wellsj public | users | table | wellsj public | users_id_seq | sequence | wellsj (10 rows) dailystatus=> \c template1 You are now connected to database "template1". template1=> drop database dailystatus; DROP DATABASE template1=> create database dailystatus; CREATE DATABASE template1=> \c dailystatus You are now connected to database "dailystatus". dailystatus=> \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+--------------+----------+-------- public | sites | table | wellsj public | sites_id_seq | sequence | wellsj public | users | table | wellsj public | users_id_seq | sequence | wellsj (4 rows) dailystatus=> Anyone know what might be happening? I'm at a loss. Thanks! John