Tom ~ Good idea. The grisly details are as follows. **************************** Here is the DDL script (generated from PowerDesigner /*==============================================================*/ /* DBMS name: PostgreSQL 7.3 */ /* Created on: 12/30/2005 11:08:02 AM */ /*==============================================================*/ SET search_path TO public; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: e_mail_address */ /*==============================================================*/ create table e_mail_address ( pop_id INT8 not null default nextval('pop_seq'), effective_date_and_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, invisible_id BIGSERIAL not null, e_mail_type VARCHAR(255) null, expiration_date_and_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE null default 'infinity', user_name VARCHAR(255) not null, domain_name VARCHAR(255) not null, use_this_e_mail_for_administrative_matters BOOL null, use_this_e_mail_for_teaching_and_practice BOOL null, use_this_e_mail_for_personal_messages BOOL null, omit_this_e_mail_from_school_directory BOOL null, comments VARCHAR(4000) null, constraint PK_e_mail_address_priority_pk primary key (pop_id, effective_date_and_time, invisible_id), constraint fk_contact___e_mail_address foreign key (pop_id) references pop (pop_id) on delete cascade on update cascade, constraint fk_e_mail_type___e_mail_address foreign key (e_mail_type) references e_mail_type (e_mail_type) on delete cascade on update cascade ) INHERITS (when_and_who) WITH OIDS; SELECT gen_sequences('e_mail_address', 'public'); **************************** Here is the function "gen_sequences" that is evoking the error: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gen_sequences ( VARCHAR, VARCHAR ) RETURNS VARCHAR AS ' DECLARE table_name ALIAS FOR $1; schema_name ALIAS FOR $2; this_table RECORD; dummy RECORD; sequence_name VARCHAR; cre_seq_arr VARCHAR [] := ''{}''; cre_seq_code VARCHAR := ''''; BEGIN EXECUTE ''SET search_path TO '' || schema_name; /* Create a CREATE SEQUENCE statement for the sequence of each sequence-assigned column, if the sequence doesnt exist already. */ FOR this_table IN SELECT c.column_name AS sub_idcol, c.column_default AS default_expr FROM information_schema.columns c WHERE c.table_name = table_name AND c.table_schema = schema_name AND c.column_default LIKE ''nextval%'' LOOP sequence_name := split_part(this_table.default_expr, '''''''', 2); IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS s WHERE t.relname = sequence_name AND s.nspname = schema_name AND t.relnamespace = s.oid AND t.relkind = ''S'') THEN IF array_upper(cre_seq_arr, 1) IS NULL THEN cre_seq_arr[1] := ''CREATE SEQUENCE '' || sequence_name || '';'' ; ELSE cre_seq_arr[array_upper(cre_seq_arr, 1) + 1] := ''CREATE SEQUENCE '' || sequence_name || '';'' ; END IF; cre_seq_code := cre_seq_code || cre_seq_arr[array_upper(cre_seq_arr, 1)] || '' ''; END IF; END LOOP; /* Execute the CREATE SEQUENCE statements, if any. */ IF array_upper(cre_seq_arr, 1) IS NOT NULL THEN FOR n IN 1..array_upper(cre_seq_arr, 1) LOOP EXECUTE cre_seq_arr[n]; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN cre_seq_code; END; ' LANGUAGE plpgsql ; **************************** And here is the error message from phpPgAdmin: SQL error: ERROR: relation "e_mail_address_invisible_id_seq" already exists CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "gen_sequences" line 45 at execute statement **************************** Line 45 is the line that contains the execute statement. Those are the raw facts. My question is: Why didn't the chunk of "gen_sequences" code that consults pg_catalog find a record of "e_mail_address_invisible_id_seq", and thereby refrain from trying to create it again? ~ Thanks again ~ Ken