On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 08:38:46AM -0700, Pete Deffendol wrote: > Can anyone point me toward an SQL function (whether built-in or an add-on) > that will allow me to sort the contents of an array datatype in an SQL > query? For integer arrays see contrib/intarray. SELECT sort('{5,2,3,1,9,7}'::int[]); sort --------------- {1,2,3,5,7,9} (1 row) I don't recall if any of the contrib modules can sort arrays of other types; if not then look for something at a site like pgfoundry or GBorg. If you have PL/Ruby then it couldn't get much easier: CREATE FUNCTION sort(arg text[]) RETURNS text[] AS $$ arg.sort $$ LANGUAGE plruby IMMUTABLE STRICT; SELECT sort('{zz,"xx yy",cc,aa,bb}'::text[]); sort ----------------------- {aa,bb,cc,"xx yy",zz} (1 row) Another way would be to write a set-returning function that returns each item in the array as a separate row, and another function that uses an array constructor to put the rows back together in order (this example should work in 7.4 and later): CREATE FUNCTION array2rows(anyarray) RETURNS SETOF anyelement AS ' BEGIN FOR i IN array_lower($1, 1) .. array_upper($1, 1) LOOP RETURN NEXT $1[i]; END LOOP; RETURN; END; ' LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION sort(anyarray) RETURNS anyarray AS ' SELECT array(SELECT * FROM array2rows($1) ORDER BY 1) ' LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT; SELECT data, sort(data) FROM foo; data | sort -----------------------+----------------------- {dd,cc,bb,aa} | {aa,bb,cc,dd} {zz,"xx yy",cc,aa,bb} | {aa,bb,cc,"xx yy",zz} (2 rows) I'm not sure if there are easier ways; these are what first came to mind. -- Michael Fuhr