I just realized that the type "timestamp with time zone" does NOT store
the time zone!
(And I just found this support list to look for help.)
I am developing an application that stores power (watts) readings from
located around the world (abridged)--
power_meter_id integer NOT NULL,
"ts" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
power_reading real NOT NULL
Not storing the originating TZ is unacceptable. My search of this list
finds a number of
helpful discussions (including a reference to a TODO; soon I hope!) I
don't know
database programming and wonder if experienced users could reply with
some code
they've implemented.
I think the best solution is along Karsten's, which I believe goes like
1) "ts" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
"tz" char( 6 ) NOT NULL, # '-12:00' to '+13:00'
2) A insert trigger that populates "tz"
3) Some function foo() that
a) calls timezone( tz, ts ) and
b) tacks on tz to the resulting string
in a "SELECT power_meter_id, foo( ts, tz ), power_reading;"
ANY snip its of code that implements anything related would be appreciated.
I can probably gin the complete solution seeing enough examples.