Version of Postgresql: 8.0.4 I have created a function: -- Function: avg_max_speed_hr(timestamp, timestamp) -- DROP FUNCTION avg_max_speed_hr("timestamp", "timestamp"); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION avg_max_speed_hr("timestamp", "timestamp") RETURNS SETOF t_avgmaxspeedhr AS $BODY$ SELECT date_trunc('hour',ap.absolute_time), ap.agent_id, avg(ap.speed), max(ap.speed) FROM agent_position AS ap WHERE ap.absolute_time BETWEEN $1 AND $2 GROUP BY date_trunc('hour',ap.absolute_time),ap.agent_id HAVING avg(ap.speed)>0 ORDER BY date_trunc('hour',ap.absolute_time),ap.agent_id $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'sql' VOLATILE; ALTER FUNCTION avg_max_speed_hr("timestamp", "timestamp") OWNER TO fleetmgt; COMMENT ON FUNCTION avg_max_speed_hr("timestamp", "timestamp") IS 'This function returns a table of agents, their average and maximum speeds for hourly intervals over the time interval specified.'; Which I can access in a query like this: SELECT * FROM avg_max_speed_hr('2005-06-16 00:00:00','2005-06-17 00:00:00 '); This works OK. My problem is that users are using MS Access via the ODBC link to access the database and Postgresql functions (like avg_max_speed_hr() ) are not being recognised. I had assumed that I could wirte in Access something like this: SELECT * FROM avg_max_speed_hr(StartTIme,EndTime); -- * Where prompts for the user defined variables would appear when the query is run. I am only new to Postgresql so I am asking if it is possible to create a view similar to the above query(*) that can be accessed through Access. I can rewrite it as a query in Access e.g. SELECT Format(ap.absolute_time,"yyyy mm dd") AS [Day], Format(ap.absolute_time,"hh") AS [Hour], Format(ap.absolute_time,"yyyy mm dd hh") AS TimePeriod, ap.agent_id, Avg(ap.speed) AS AvgOfspeed, Max(ap.speed) AS MaxOfspeed FROM public_agent_position AS ap WHERE (((ap.absolute_time) Between [StartTime] And [EndTime])) GROUP BY Format(ap.absolute_time,"yyyy mm dd"), Format(ap.absolute_time,"hh"), Format(ap.absolute_time,"yyyy mm dd hh"), ap.agent_id HAVING (((Avg(ap.speed))>0)) ORDER BY Format(ap.absolute_time,"yyyy mm dd hh"), ap.agent_id; However this runs quite slowly and I would rather defer the processing to the server. It also poses problems in graphing because of the group statements. Thanks for any help. Andrew -- ___________________________________________ Andrew J. P. Maclean Postal: Australian Centre for Field Robotics The Rose Street Building J04 The University of Sydney 2006 NSW AUSTRALIA Room:106 Phone:+61 2 9351 3283 Fax:+61 2 9351 7474 ___________________________________________