David Rysdam wrote:
I could swear (but I don't think I can prove at this point) that 8.0
beta3 returned timestamps with milliseconds, like this:
But 8.1 isn't doing that. I see functions to format the date, but
that would require me to change all my existing SQL to specifically
ask for the milliseconds. There's also the "set datestyle" thing, but
the granularity doesn't exist to specify an exact format such as the
above. Is there a way to tell postgres *exactly* what I want the
*default* date output format to be?
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
Nevermind, the documentation just seems to be unclear. I do get .MS
back in ISO format (despite that not being shown as part of the ISO
format). It's just that none of my dates have milliseconds on them,
which is simply a bug I'll have to find.