Hi, I need to log any statement in my postgresql server. However, I would like that the password defined in CREATE USER statement was registered in MD5 format, independent of the form where it was specified in the statement. For example, if the user submits the statement: CREATE USER test ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'test'; in the log file it would be registered as: CREATE USER test ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'md505a671c66aefea124cc08b76ea6d30bb' Thus, the password would be protecting against attacks in log files. Is it possible? Thanks, Ricardo Vaz Tribunal de Contas do Estado de São Paulo Diretoria de Tecnologia - DTEC * Rua Venceslau Brás 183 - 2º andar - Centro 01016-000 São Paulo SP * Fone: (+5511) 3292 3266 ramal 3640 * e-mail: jrvaz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx